Day 4: February 10, 2017

Today’s Progress: Continued with FreeCodeCamp and The Odin Project materials.

Thoughts:  Codeacademy turned out to be a bust. They say that their materials are free (and I know that there are additional tools you can pay to get access to), but it stopped working at a certain point in the curriculum and just kept redirecting me to the “Upgrade Now” page, which is annoying. So I’ll try and find another resource for the Command Line. In other news, I’ll likely get to work on the Basic Front End Development Projects section starting today, so I’m pretty excited about that! Making some progress…

Link(s) to work:

  1. Change the CSS of an Element Using jQuery
  2. Disable an Element Using jQuery
  3. Change Text Inside an Element Using jQuery
  4. Remove an Element using jQuery
  5. Use appendTo to Move Elements with jQuery
  6. Clone an Element Using jQuery
  7. Target the Parent of an Element Using jQuery
  8. Target the Children of an Element Using jQuery
  9. Target a Specific Child of an Element Using jQuery
  10. Target Even Numbered Elements Using jQuery
  11. Get Set for our Front End Development Projects
  12. Build a Tribute Page (WIP)

Day 3: February 9, 2017

Today’s Progress: Continued with FreeCodeCamp and The Odin Project materials.

Thoughts: I started learning more about the Command Line and have found it to be something that I will need to dedicate a decent amount of time to learning. FreeCodeCamp offered some resources to that end, but they were primarily MAC-biased and I am a Windows user, so that sucks. I’ll need to find my own material that will better guide me on Windows specifically. I’m hoping Codeacademy will turn up something interesting.

Link(s) to work:

  1. A Command Line Crash Course
  2. Create a Bootstrap Button
  3. Create a Block Element Bootstrap Button
  4. Taste the Bootstrap Button Color Rainbow
  5. Call out Optional Actions with Button Info
  6. Warn Your Users of a Dangerous Action
  7. Use the Bootstrap Grid to Put Elements Side By Side
  8. Ditch Custom CSS for Bootstrap
  9. Use Spans for Inline Elements
  10. Create a Custom Heading
  11. Add Font Awesome Icons to our Buttons
  12. Add Font Awesome Icons to All of our Buttons
  13. Responsively Style Radio Buttons
  14. Responsively Style Checkboxes
  15. Style Text Inputs as Form Controls
  16. Line Up Form Elements Responsively with Bootstrap
  17. Create a Bootstrap Headline
  18. House our Page within a Bootstrap Container Fluid Div
  19. Create a Bootstrap Row
  20. Split your Bootstrap Row
  21. Create Bootstrap Wells
  22. Add Elements within your Bootstrap Wells
  23. Apply the Default Bootstrap Button Style
  24. Create a Class to Target with Default jQuery Selectors
  25. Add ID Attributes to Bootstrap Elements
  26. Label Bootstrap Wells
  27. Give Each Element a Unique ID
  28. Label Bootstrap Buttons
  29. Use Comments to Clarify Code
  30. Learn How to Script Tags and Document Ready Work
  31. Target HTML Elements with Selectors Using jQuery
  32. Target Elements by ID using jQuery
  33. Delete your jQuery Functions
  34. Target the Same Element with Multiple jQuery Selectors
  35. Remove Classes from an Element with jQuery

Day 2: February 8, 2017

Today’s Progress: Continued working on FreeCodeCamp curriculum and also started the Odin Project

Thoughts: What drew me to the Odin project was the fact that, according to their site, I would be building a portfolio at the same time that I am learning. My goal is to try and make a little bit of progress in both FCC and Odin each day. At the moment, there’s no “portfolio building” in FCC, at least not in the part of the curriculum that I am in. Maybe there will be later, but I don’t recall anything being explicitly stated like on Odin’s page. I’ve also started using the Pomodoro technique to better leverage my time/attention span. We’ll see how this goes.

Link(s) to work:

  1. Give a Background Color to a Div Element
  2. Set the ID of an Element
  3. Use an ID Attribute to Style an Element
  4. Adjusting the Padding of an Element
  5. Adjust the Margin of an Element
  6. Add a Negative Margin to an Element
  7. Add Different Padding to Each Side of an Element
  8. Add Different Margins to Each Side of an Element
  9. Use Clockwise Notation to Specify the Padding of an Element
  10. Use Clockwise Notation to Specify the Margin of an Element
  11. Style the HTML Body Element
  12. Inherit Styles from the Body Element
  13. Prioritize One Style Over Another
  14. Override Styles in Subsequent CSS
  15. Override Class Declarations by Styling ID Attributes
  16. Override Class Declarations with Inline Styles
  17. Override All Other Styles by using Important
  18. Use Hex Code for Specific Colors
  19. Use Hex Code to Mix Colors
  20. Use Abbreviated Hex Code
  21. Use RGB Values to Color Elements
  22. Use RGB to Mix Colors
  23. Use Responsible Design with Bootstrap Fluid Containers
  24. Make Images Mobile Responsive
  25. Center Text with Bootstrap

Day 1: February 7, 2017

Today’s Progress: Jumped back into FreeCodeCamp.

Thoughts: I’d done some of the challenges in the middle of last year but then eventually fizzled out. I want to commit to both the 100 day challenge and the completion of FCCs certifications.  I am going to try and commit an average of two hours a day to coding. I made this blog so I could keep track of my progress and thoughts. As you can see, it is still a work in the making, so setting up this blog will be something else I will work on in the coming days.

Link(s) to work:

  1. Add Rounded Corners with a Border Radius
  2. Make Circular Images with a Border Radius
  3. Link to External Pages with Anchor Elements
  4. Nest an Anchor Element within a Paragraph
  5. Make Dead Links using the Hash Symbol
  6. Turn an Image into a Link
  7. Create a Bulleted Unordered List
  8. Create an Ordered List
  9. Create a Text Field
  10. Add Placeholder Text to a Text Field
  11. Create a Form Element
  12. Add a Submit Button to a Form
  13. Use HTML5 to Require a Field
  14. Create a Set of Radio Buttons
  15. Create a Set of Checkboxes
  16. Check Radio Buttons and Checkboxes by Default
  17. Nest Many Elements within a Single Div Element